
Collect data from the oikotie.fi website (Selenium). Visualize and analyze data. I have built a website based on these programs.

Primary LanguagePython

Oikotie-data-fetching and analysis

  • Programs Oikotie_scraper and Oikotie_rental_scraper retrieves data from oikotie.fi and exports the data to mongodb.

  • Programs Oikotie_analysis and Oikotie_rental_analysis cleans the data and visualizes the current market situation in home sales and rental markets.

  • Program otie_analysis summarize data and visualize the current housing sales and rental situation in Helsinki.

  • I have also made a website based on these programs where you can see the current market situation in Helsinki. The data is updated daily.

  • https://otiedap.herokuapp.com/