Resources For programming

You should keep in mind that there is no universal way to learn code -- everyone learns differently. You might have to do some expiriementing to find what approach works best for you because what works for me might not work for you.


Python Documentation


  • W3Schools - Has tutorials/references for the most popular/common programming languages. If you do use w3schools for Python, start from the beginning because there are some things Project Stem hasn't taught.
  • Automate the Boring Stuff - 6 chapters of the "basics" of python and 12 chapters of practical projects, each chapter being a different project
  • freeCodeCamp - Mostly for web development (HTML, CSS, JS, etc.).
  • The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python! - practice handbook to the installation, configuration, and usage of Python
  • Real Python - Has lots of tutorials ranging from Python sytanx to advanced projects. The site is freemium so some of the courses are locked to unsuscribed users.
  • Programiz - Similar to W3School, has brief but insightful tutorials for some of the most common languages. Programiz is better suited as a quick reference, though their DSA tuturials are great as a stand alone


I was going to put a rec list here when I found reddit had a better one. This list comes the r/learnpython wiki and is a better list than what I could have up with.

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