
Docker configs for running a Monero (XMR) node

Primary LanguageShell


Easy way to set up your own full Monero (XMR) node.

Includes Docker configuration and a wrapper script to interact with the wallet. No need to install any extra build tools into your OS.

Compressed image size is about 76 MB.


Build requires multi-stage support from Docker, so version >= 17.05 is required.

Use docker-compose to save time and energy. Not a requirement but recommended.


First clone this repo.

$ git clone https://github.com/vtorhonen/ez-docker-monero.git
$ cd ez-docker-monero

Run it. Pre-built images are downloaded from project Dockerhub registry.

$ sudo docker-compose up -d

By default the container starts running monerod. See docker-entrypoint.sh.

Local directory called data is mounted into the container directory /root/.bitmonero for data persistency.

You can tail container logs and see where blockchain sync is going:

$ sudo docker logs --follow ezdockermonero_monero_1
2017-07-26 20:27:03.105	    7ff33cd97740	INFO 	global	contrib/epee/src/mlog.cpp:145	New log categories: *:WARNING,net:FATAL,net.p2p:FATAL,net.cn:FATAL,global:INFO,verify:FATAL,stacktrace:INFO
2017-07-26 20:27:03.105	    7ff33cd97740	INFO 	global	src/daemon/main.cpp:282	Monero 'Wolfram Warptangent' (v0.10.3.1-release)
2017-07-26 20:27:03.105	    7ff33cd97740	INFO 	global	src/daemon/protocol.h:55	Initializing cryptonote protocol...
2017-07-26 20:27:03.105	    7ff33cd97740	INFO 	global	src/daemon/protocol.h:60	Cryptonote protocol initialized OK

Build your own

Build the images with sudo docker-compose build.

Interacting with the wallet

Once your node is up and running you can create yourself a wallet:

$ sudo ./monero-cli.sh

Remember to store your wallet info in a safe place.

More information about that can be found from the official docs.


Create a Github issue. Thanks!