
A complete introduction to Vault PKI

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Create your own local environment for trying out auto-generated TLS certificates. Test environment is run on a Debian Stretch machine on top of VirtualBox. This environment suitable for testing out Nomad and Vault PKI, but also HTTP/2 and service orchestration in general.

This environment has the following services built in:

Provisioning is handled by Ansible. Ansible calls Terraform to set up Vault and Consul configuration, which cannot be configured through config files.

Project structure

  • provisioning/: Ansible configuration
    • group_vars: Global variables for selecting Vault/Nomad/Terraform/Consul versions
    • roles: Ansible roles for each component
  • jobs: Nomad jobs for running load balancer and app
  • tf: Terraform configuration

PKI setup

PKI is initialized as follows:

  • Root CA is issued by Terraform.
  • Vault PKI is initialized by creating a CSR for a sub-CA.
  • Terraform signs the certificate request for sub-CA.
  • Vault installs sub-CA certificate to its PKI.

Sub-CA private key is never exported and actually cannot even be exported from Vault.

How do I use this?

Ensure you have VirtualBox and Vagrant installed. Then run vagrant up. During boot up Ansible will print out Vault unseal keys and root token. Store them somewhere as you will need them. This is the only time the keys are printed out and after that your keys are unrecoverable.

Log in to the instance by running vagrant ssh. Then run nomad status to see which services are scheduled to the instance.

$ nomad status
ID   Type     Priority  Status   Submit Date
app  service  50        running  03/24/18 15:07:36 GMT
lb   service  50        running  03/24/18 15:05:12 GMT

After Ansible has finished provisioning you then have the following two Nomad jobs running:

  • app is a Go sample application which prints "welcome" and gives HTTP 200 as a response. It registers to Consul by service name "testapp".
  • lb: load balancer which uses healthy Consul services as backend and adds them automatically to its configuration. It also auto-generates TLS certificates and also renews them.

Verify that the setup is working by running the following command:

$ curl -vk https://testapp-lb.query.consul
* Server certificate:
*  subject: CN=testapp-lb.query.consul
*  start date: Mar 24 15:07:35 2018 GMT
*  expire date: Apr  3 15:08:05 2018 GMT
*  issuer: CN=Sub-CA for HashiStack PKI
* Using HTTP2, server supports multi-use
< HTTP/2 200
< content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
< date: Sat, 24 Mar 2018 15:27:54 GMT
< content-length: 7
* Connection #0 to host testapp-lb.query.consul left intact

From this we can see that our load balancer supports HTTP/2 and is serving content by using TLS certificate with a Common Name (CN) of testapp-lb.query.consul. You can also run the command from the host machine by using correct SNI hostname mapping.

$ curl -vk --resolve testapp-lb.query.consul:443: https://testapp-lb.query.consul

Finally check the load balancer logs:

$ nomad status lb | grep ' run '
dc41d70f  38334ef9  fabio       0        run      running  25m29s ago  25m26s ago

$ nomad logs -stderr dc41d70f
+ route add testapp testapp-lb.query.consul/ opts "tlsskipverify=true"
2018/03/24 15:08:05 [INFO] cert: vault: issued cert for testapp-lb.query.consul; serial = 59-47-2b-38-c6-c3-88-37-22-f5-06-61-fd-68-9e-f1-5b-94-26-ac

Done, you made it. Have a beer.