- Resizable Components built using React.
- Dockerized and supported with git actions. (!working)
Total time spent:
15-17hrs ==> Includes Planning, Research, Build, Documenting(readme), Debugging.
- CRA template(OSS)
- Bootstrap(OSS
- Docker(OSS)
- Rapid_API(freemium)
- Github: git actions for containerized scripts.
- Stackblitz: For hosting MVP plain frontend.
- [✔️] It consists of three different components with some content (feel free to add any HTML content or Images).
- [✔️] User Should be able to Re-size the components by dragging them from any of the sides. Interesting learn.
Draggable support using CSS resize property. Alternatives: React-grid-layout, React-rnd, React-resize-panel
- [✔️] The neighbour components should expand or shrink based on re-sizing operations performed on target component.
- [✔️ ] Layout should be responsive on all laptop devices.
- [✔️] The code should be clean and of production quality. (good enough)
- [✔️] Containerize the Web Application You Developed using Docker. (did partially)
Docker didn't worked out due to low end laptop[Penitum processor with windows 8.1] and VM problems. Scripts added though. Required docker build during development.
- [✔️] Construct a Well Defined Docker file including ENV, RUN, CMD Commands.
- [✔️] Deploy the Container using any CI tool like Jenkins, or Git Actions etc.
- [ ]Deploy on Heroku.
Not performed. More on Heroku dynos
xtras [WORKING [✔️]]
- [ ]Real Time Monitoring of the Deployed Application.
- [ ]Any Approach to Ship the logs of Hosted Application to any remote storage.
Create APIs for the front end you have created in the previous task. API to add/edit in these components.
There should be two button:-
[✔️] Add: On clicking Add button, if there is any data it should get clear and user should be able to add new data.(It will create new entry in the table)
[✔️] Update: On clicking this button user should be able to update the data. (It will update entries in the table)
[✔️] Count: API to show number of times(count), user has called ADD and Update API.
- [✔️] Provide Automation in your CI/CD Pipeline that you push the new API Changes and job gets triggered to deploy the new feature
- [✔️] Attach the screenshot of scripts used and pipeline execution.
Pipeline and CI/CD ss added. Failed due to non-dockerized build.
- [] Test the Deployed APIs using any API Testing tool e.g. Postman
RAPID_API_Platoform_issues | didn't got subscribed to endpoints.
Things to consider:
- [✔️] Clean code with proper commenting.
Semantic commits and code forma using prettier.
- Good learning experience.