Created by loosely following the Xamarin guide for binding a Java library. However, you should probably use PagerSlidingTabStrip.Net by LordZoltan instead.
- Add this project to your solution
- Edit your project's references to include this project
- Add the 'Android Support Library v4' component to your project (yes, even though it's included in this one)
- Add a
XML element to your layout - Add a
using Com.Astuetz
directive in your code
- Built using the AAR for PagerSlidingTabStrip v1.0.1, build action set as 'LibraryProjectZip'
- Built using the JAR for the v4 Android support library, build action set as 'ReferenceJar'
- For some reason the 'Android Support Library v4' component had to be included in this project (in addition to the JAR) to build without errors
- The project builds successfully but produces a few warnings (explained in