When you download offline videos through the Pluralsight app, the videos saved to the device are encrypted, and you can only watch it on their app. This tool is made to decrypt the videos (.psv), decrypt module folder names, rearrange the course folders, overall decrypting the entire course.
Based on: https://github.com/vinhloc1996/DecryptPluralSightVideos
Added Feature:
- Add GUI
- Auto detected default Pluralsight Path
- List all Course downloaded (except unfinished download)
- Fix decrypt wrong Video (wrong name of video decrypted)
- More features, you can check it :D.
- This tool requires .Net Framework
or above.
- Download the latest binary from here.
- Extract the zip file, open file DecryptPluralSightVideosGUI.exe.
- Default Pluralsight Path is
- Please don't remove course from POP before decrypt. You can check the Delete checkbox to remove course after course decrypted.
- Loc Nguyen.
- Hieu Phan
- sitiom
- This current version is
- This tool has been made by myself but some functions about running commandline tools or style of code that I refer from Lynda-Decryptor.
- This software is freeware and open source. Please don't use it for commercial.