
1-1 instant messaging project designed to demonstrate WebSockets in a load-balanced environment.

Primary LanguageJava

Spring Boot Private Chat Project

1-1 instant messaging project designed to demonstrate WebSockets in a load-balanced environment. Users can register, login/logout, see a friendslist, private message, and send/receive notifications. WebSocket usages include user presence monitoring, notifications, and chat messages.

Notable Technologies/Design Decisions

  • Backend: Java 8 with Sprint Boot
  • Frontend: Angular.js
  • Message Broker: RabbitMQ (PubSub pattern for multi-server messaging)
  • Database: MySQL
  • ORM: Hibernate
  • WebSocket messaging protocol: Stomp
  • WebSocket handler: Sock.js (with cross-browser fallbacks)
  • Session Management: Spring Session Redis (works cross-server)
  • Security: Spring Security
  • Spring Controllers couple REST as well as WebSocket traffic
  • Fractal Design


  1. Install system dependencies: latest versions (at the time of this writing) of Java, MySQL, Redis, RabbitMQ, Node, NPM
  2. Install RabbitMQ Stomp plugin: $ sudo rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_stomp
  3. Update src/main/resources/application.properties with your MySQL credentials and port
  4. Execute src/main/java/org/privatechat/shared/database/createDatabase.sql to create the database
  5. Execute src/main/java/org/privatechat/shared/database/seedDatabase.sql to seed the database with some users (passwords are bcrypted, but they are all "testtest")
  6. cd to src/main/resources/ and run $ sudo npm install && gulp
  7. cd to root of the project and execute $ mvn spring-boot:run or ($ mvn spring-boot:run -Drun.jvmArguments='-Dserver.port={{your port here}}' if you wish to run a few servers)
  8. Visit http://localhost:8080/


  • Chat messages are persisted to the database, notifications are not. Will add that functionality later.
  • Uncomment devtools dependency in pom.xml for live reloading in development
  • Notifications must be subscribed to in unique per-user channels. Despite enabling the /user message broker prefix, Spring's convertAndSendToUser(...) failed to update all nodes of a notification message transmission. Going to post a SO question soon!
  • Friendlist feature is just every user in the database other than the current user (simple feature for demo, not meant to be realistic)
  • Chat messages are LIMITed by 100


  • Separate out index.js file into smaller services/configs
  • Persist notifications
  • Figure out how to have Spring Security return a custom UserDTO on /login. Currently, after login, a call to /api/user/requesting/info is made and the Principal context drives the rest. Not elegant.
  • Refactor user table isPresent (boolean) to be numberOfConnections (int).
  • Implement notification emailer when recieving user is offline (batch up notifications in a time window)
  • Implement auto-logout timer on frontend
  • Implement smart pagination of messages on the frontend
  • Implement a UUID for notifications topics subscription (currently using user id, which is unsecure)
  • Wire up CSRF tokens with Spring Security
  • ChatService.getExistingChatMessages(...) currently reverses the List<ChatMessageDTO collection because the query needs some attention.
  • Handle frontend exception when requested chat user doesn't exist on the frontend
  • Clean up hacky notifications SCSS
  • Improve the way global error handler intercepts HTTPs responses
  • Switch all e.printStackTrace to use the logger
