- To install the server, first copy the contents of js_example in a directory.
- Install a python virtual environment in js_exmaple. http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/1.0/installation/
- Install Vienna RNA in <virtual environment>/Scripts folder.
- Set the virtual environment variables $env:FLASK_ENV="development" for debug mode. Default is production.
- Set the startup app in $env:FLASK_APP = "__init__.py".
- Run <virtual environment>/Scripts/activate to activate the virtual environment.
- Run flask (python -m flask run in Windows) to run the flask app.
- The html pages are present in templates folder. Base is the base template.
- The CSS and JS for our pages and forna is present in static folder.
- The different pages and route information is present in "views.py".
- The output file is written in J<timestamp>.output file. If you give the same name in the URL as http://localhost:5000/output/J<timestamp>, you can see the output results.