
Buttons X is the most powerful button builder plugin for WordPress. The only complete call to action button builder. Easily create beautiful buttons.

Primary LanguagePHP

=== Button Builder - Buttons X ===
Contributors: gautamanizer
Donate Link: https://codecanyon.net/item/buttons-x-powerful-button-builder-for-wordpress/12710619?ref=GautamThapar
Tags: button, buttons, button plugin, button builder, button maker, button generator, CSS button generator, css3 button generator, responsive buttons, social share, social buttons, morphing buttons
Requires at least: 4.0
Tested up to: 4.7.3
Stable tag: 0.8.6
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html

Buttons X is the most powerful button builder plugin for WordPress. The only complete call to action button builder. Easily create beautiful buttons.

== Description ==

A **button builder** plugin that can build any kind of buttons imaginable right from your WordPress Dashboard! 

[Buttons X](https://www.button.sx) is a *WordPress button builder* plugin which comes with free extensions and free button packs. It is packed with functionality that allows countless button variations to be made easily without any coding.

Buttons are *Fully Responsive* and, of course are *fully CSS3 Compliant*.

[Buttons X](https://www.button.sx) is easy to use and is packed with powerful features that will blow your mind, including a seamless live preview while you work!


*Absolutely No Coding Required!*

[Buttons X](https://www.button.sx) is a Marketers dream making any kind of Call To Action button as simple as editing some text.

The *Buttons X Options Panel* is a comprehensive and smart dashboard that allows you to create buttons on the fly with every kind of option available to modify. Select anything and everything from Font Weights to Shadow Colour, Position, Padding and Blur. 

= Features =

 - 3 different demo buttons to get you started easily.
 - Google Fonts.
 - No coding required.
 - Supports unlimited number of buttons.
 - Comprehensive and smart dashboard that allows you to create buttons on the fly.
 - Fully responsive and CSS3 compliant.
 - Colour picker with transparency for unlimited colour combinations.
 - Clone buttons to save time.
 - Button preview background to test your buttons on different backgrounds.
 - Google analytics (free add-on).
 - Tooltips (free add-on).
 - Widgets.
 - Short code generator.

= Pro Features =

 - Dual buttons.
 - Social buttons.
 - Social Counters.
 - External CSS.
 - Visual Composer.	
 - WooCommerce.
 - Popup Maker support.
 - Gravity Forms support.
 - Ninja Forms support.
 - Caldera Forms support.
 - Button Packs.
 - Add-ons.
 - Import / Export.
 - Button as Menu.
 - Multiple text fields.
 - Text shadow.
 - Icons.
 - Font Awesome.
 - Animations.
 - 24 link types.
 - Background Image for Preview.
 - Multiple gradient types and unlimited gradient stops.
 - Unlimited shadow layers.
 - Custom CSS.
 - Custom JS.

= Test Pro for free  =

[Buttons X - Pro demo](https://www.button.sx)

= Import demo buttons =

 1. Click the "Buttons X" page from the admin menu.
 2. Navigate to "Import" under "Buttons X".
 3. Click the "Demo Buttons" tab.
 4. Click "Import" button.
 5. You should see notifications informing you about each button that was imported.
 6. No navigate to "Buttons" under "Buttons X" and start modifying the demo buttons or create a new one.

= How To Use =

 1. Click the "Buttons X" page from the admin menu.
 2. Navigate to "Buttons" under "Buttons X".
 3. Click the "Add New" button.
 4. A short code will be generated (ex: [btnsx id="1"]).
 5. Fill out and select the options needed to build your button.
 6. Once you're ready, click Publish.
 7. Copy the short code or use the short code generator to add a button to your post, page or custom post type.
 8. You can use the short code anywhere in your content.

You can also override the button text and URL as parameters in the shortcode, giving you even greater flexibility. For example, if you want to create a set of buttons that look exactly the same, except for the text and URL, you could do something like this:

[btnsx id="1" text="My alternate button" link="https://www.yourwebsite.com"]

You can override almost every parameter. For the complete list of parameters [visit here](https://gautamthapar.atlassian.net/wiki/display/BX/Available+Options)

NOTE: Never change button id.

NOTE: Passing parameters to the short code overrides those settings saved as part of the button but these are not saved.

= Where to buy Pro =

[Buttons X pro version](https://codecanyon.net/item/buttons-x-powerful-button-builder-for-wordpress/12710619?ref=GautamThapar) is available on CodeCanyon for **only $21**.

*Upgrade your button creating experience today!*

= Add-ons =
 - [Tooltips](https://www.button.sx/product/tooltips/) is available for **free**.
 - [Google Analytics](https://www.button.sx/product/google-analytics/) is available for **free**.
 - [Morphing Buttons](http://codecanyon.net/item/morphing-buttons-buttons-x-addon/13583740?ref=GautamThapar) is available on CodeCanyon for **only $5**.
 - [Advanced Analytics](
http://codecanyon.net/item/advanced-analytics-buttons-x-addon/14344214?ref=GautamThapar) is available on CodeCanyon for **only $12**.

= Documentation =

Complete documentation can be found [here](https://gautamthapar.atlassian.net/wiki/display/BX/Powerful+Button+Builder+for+WordPress).

= Support = 

Please read the [documentation](https://gautamthapar.atlassian.net/wiki/display/BX/Powerful+Button+Builder+for+WordPress) before submitting any support request.

**For Pro Version** -
I manage technical queries through my [official ticketing system](http://gautamthapar.ticksy.com/) and I am proud of my 12 Hours Turnaround!

**For Lite Version** -
I manage technical queries through support forums under the support tab on this page. I will do my best to answer within 48 hours.

[Follow on Twitter](http://www.twitter.com/btnsx/)

[Official Website](https://www.button.sx/)

== Installation ==

For automatic installation:

1. Login to your website and go to the Plugins section of your admin panel.
1. Click the Add New button.
1. Under Install Plugins, click the Upload link.
1. Select the plugin zip file from your computer then click the Install Now button.
1. You should see a message stating that the plugin was installed successfully.
1. Click the Activate Plugin link.

For manual installation:

1. You should have access to the server where WordPress is installed. If you don't, see your system administrator.
1. Copy the plugin zip file up to your server and unzip it somewhere on the file system.
1. Copy the "btnsx" folder into the /wp-content/plugins directory of your WordPress installation.
1. Login to your website and go to the Plugins section of your admin panel.
1. Look for "Buttons X Lite“ and click Activate.

== Screenshots ==

1. Button overview.
2. Demo buttons import page.
3. Buttons list page.
4. Button preview on list page.
5. Floating live preview on edit page.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

**Q. Can lite and paid versions work together?**
A. No, you need to remove the lite version before installing the paid version.

**Q. Will I lose my buttons if I upgrade from lite to paid?**
A. No, you won't.

== Upgrade Notice ==

Nothing yet..

== Changelog ==

= 0.8.6 = 
 - Fixed: WPML primary text translation.

= 0.8.5 = 
 - Fixed: Dead URL's.

= 0.8.4 = 
 - Fixed: Undefined Offset error message when using button shadow.

= 0.8.3 = 
 - Fixed: ACF scripts conflict.

= 0.8.2 = 
 - Fixed: ACF Pro scripts conflict.
 - Fixed: URL escape.

= 0.8.1 = 
 - Fixed: Javascript bug preventing from loading button edit screen.

= 0.8.0 = 
 - Fixed: Font bug.

= 0.7.9 = 
 - Fixed: CPT field not being displayed.

= 0.7.8 = 
 - Fixed: Font weight not changing based on Google Fonts font selection.

= 0.7.7 = 
 - Initial release.