
Lua-solver is a Discord bot capable of interpreting the Lua code you send to it.

Primary LanguageLua



Discord lua interpreter

Lua-solver is a Discord bot capable of interpreting the Lua code you send to it.

How to use

Simply send a message mentioning the bot with lua code between 6 backquotes :


How to install

Firstly, create bot with Discord developer portal.

Create Oauth2 link with "Send messages" right, add the bot to your server.

Clone this repository, add env.lua file with this content :

return {
    DISCORD_GATEWAY_URI = "wss://gateway.discord.gg/?v=6&encoding=json",
    DISCORD_API_URL = "https://discordapp.com/api",
    BOT_TOKEN = "your-bot-token",
    BOT_CLIENT_ID = "your-bot-client-id"

Now you can launch the bot with lua main.lua


  • Add commands (help, library, ...)
  • Return print call (display like in lua interpreter)
  • Return error message
  • Create special file to store discord message

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