Document Management System

Application build with Spring Boot on the backend and React on the frontend, with Maven as build tool.

Technology Stack

Component Technology
Frontend React 16+
Backend Spring Boot 2.1+, Java 8, Hibernate 5+
Security Spring Security, JWT
Database MySQL Database
Persistence JPA
Client Build npm
Server Build Maven

Getting Started


  • Install Java 8 from the OpenJDK
  • Install Node.js from the Node.js website
  • Clone the repo git clone


  • Go to your project folder from your terminal
  • cd dms
  • name your database schema documentsdb
  • Run: mvnw spring-boot:run
  • Run SQL script in SQL folder to populate tables with necessary data


  • Go to your project folder from your terminal
  • cd React
  • Run: npm install
  • After install, run: npm start
  • It will open your browser(http://localhost:3000)