
Youtube API

Primary LanguagePython

Youtube API Search

Thhis is a Django, Django Rest Framework and Celery based project for fetching youtube public data based on certain pre-defined parameters.


1. Docker setup

  • Copy the contents of .env.example to .env for environment variables and add your YOUTUBE API KEY.

  • Run below command for docker

$ docker-compose build --no-cache --build-arg SECRET_KEY="<secret key from .env.example>"
  • The SECRET KEY is in the .env.example file.

  • For running all the containers.

$ docker-compose up
  • To stop the containers press Ctrl + C

2. Admin Panel

  • Create migrations for Database
$ docker-compose run web python manage.py migrate
  • Create a super user for django admin.
$ docker-compose run web python manage.py createsuperuser
  • Enter the details for creating the user.

  • Once the migrations are done, run the server

$ docker-compose up
  • The server will be running on port 8000.

Hooray! The project setup is complete ✨.


For testing the fucntionality of this project

  • Run the server
$ docker-compose up

1. Testing the API

GET /videos/

This will provide all the youtube results with cursor pagination sorted in descending order of the published datetime.

2. Searching in the API

GET /videos/?q=

Write the text you want to search after ?q=, the searching will take place based on title and description.

This is an optimised searching using Trigram similarity, search rank and search vector.

3. Fetching data from YOUTUBE

  • Celery task is running every 20 seconds to fetch the data from youtube API and storing the results in database.

4. Dashboard for viewing stored data

  • If you are running it on local machine then go to
  • Enter the user credential you created while setting up the project.
  • You will see Youtubes in the admin panel which has all the data with searching based on title and youtube video ID.