
Visualizing migration data from the IRS

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Visualizing taxpayer migration data from the IRS

The IRS publishes data on migration patterns within the US based on changes in taxpayers’ return addresses. This is a project centered on visualizing and exploring that data.

Initially just centering on San Francisco, I'm now working on turning the data-munging steps into an Express-based api to allow for exploration of any county in the US.

This means there are essentially two projects within this one:

  • a backend api for delivering data
  • a frontend visualization for consuming that data

data sources


https://www.census.gov/topics/population/migration/guidance/county-to-county-migration-flows.html https://www.census.gov/topics/population/migration/data/tables.html

census data

command line dependencies

Install missing command line dependencies by following directions on website and something like:

  • downloading directly
  • brew install {pkg}
  • npm install --global {pkg}
  • yarn global add {pkg}

to get all the data

  1. clone this repo
  2. npm install
  3. npm run get-data
  4. npm run atlas
  5. npm run munge


to install

  • get the data ^^
  • irs-migration/munge/pg$ ./parse-county-pg.sh
  • irs-migration/munge/pg$ node getseeddata.js
  • irs-migration/api$ yarn install (yes, the backend uses yarn while the frontend uses npm.)
  • make sure your db is running
  • irs-migration/api$ ./node_modules/.bin/sequelize db:migrate
  • irs-migration/api$ ./node_modules/.bin/sequelize db:seed:all

to develop

  • irs-migration/api$ yarn run start:dev



Currently, only focuses on San Francisco and consumes a static file created by npm run munge.

to develop

  • get all the data ^^
  • use webpack:
    • npm run start
  • map code is in index.js


to add support for a particular county

Say, Manhattan (FIPS code 36 061):

  • get all the data ^^
  • irs-migration$ ./munge/parse-county.sh 36 061
  • files are now in data/36061:
    • inflow/outflow csvs
    • topojson of destination counties


  • TODO in download.sh having to do with character encoding conversion
  • change color scale to some sort of threshold scale (automatic)
  • connect centroids with lines
  • use circles on map instead of coloring counties
    • enter/exit morph between circle and county path
  • bumps chart of top (10? 20?) counties year-to-year
  • barchart of migration by state
    • sankey/sunburst/tree? (county-> state-> sf)
  • select county to compare over time
  • combine gif-munge and gif-create into single node script?
  • note: 06075inflowcombined.csv has duplicate rows for cook county IL


  • command line generation of map
    • see munge/gif-munge.js and munge/gif-create.sh
  • separate build dev/dist webpack functionality
  • better mouseover tooltip
  • zoom map
  • line chart of total immigration/emigration year-to-year
  • allow user to choose different year

FIPS ref

California 06

  • 075 San Francisco
  • 001 Alameda (Oakland, Berkeley, East Bay)
  • 041 Marin
  • 081 San Mateo (Silicon Valley)
  • 097 Sonoma
  • 055 Napa
  • 013 Contra Costa
  • 085 Santa Clara
  • 087 Santa Cruz
  • 095 Solano

New York 36

  • 005 Bronx
  • 047 Kings (Brooklyn)
  • 061 New York (Manhattan)
  • 081 Queens
  • 085 Richmond (Staten Island)

Texas 48

  • 201 Harris (Houston)
  • 029 Bexar (San Antonio)
  • 113 Dallas
  • 453 Travis (Austin)
  • 457 Tyler

Illinois 17

  • 031 Cook (Chicago)
  • 019 Champaign

Virginia 51

  • 770 Roanoke City
  • 161 Roanoke County
  • 760 Richmond City
  • 159 Richmond County

Washington, DC 11 001


To make gif of migration into New York County, NY (FIPS code 36061):

  1. irs-migration$ ./munge/parse-county.sh 36 061
  2. irs-migration$ cd munge
  3. munge$ node gif-munge.js 36 061 in
  4. munge$ ./gif-create.sh 36 061 in

To make legend for gifs

  1. edit html file munge/legend.html
  2. change variable vals to the contents of legendValsin.json/legendValsin.json
  3. choose desired colorArray
  4. open munge/legend.html in web browser
  5. screenshot