Example Python App Consuming and Producing messages to AWS SQS/SNS
The example code relies on a running SQS service, the repo contains a Docker compose file that will spin up a configured SQS/SNS using Localstack.
Install Docker Toolbox - Instructions
Run the docker environment
docker-compose up
This will launch a SQS service listening on port 4575
for SNS and 4576
for SQS
- Python 3
$ brew install python3
- Virtual Env
$ sudo pip3 install virtualenv
From the terminal enable & configure the application dependencies.
$ virtualenv env
$ source env/bin/activate
(env) (base) $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Serveless
(env) (base) $ npm install -g serverless@2
(env) (base) $ serverless plugin install -n serverless-python-requirements
Create SQS Queue and SNS Topic.
(env) (base) $ python poc/sqs-manager.py create_queue
(env) (base) $ python poc/sns-manager.py create_topic
You can now run the lambda.
(env) (base) $ sls invoke local -f <producer|consumer|publish|subscribe|unsubscribe> [options]
SQS examples:
(env) (base) $ sls invoke local -f producer --path src/json/sqs-message.json
(env) (base) $ sls invoke local -f consumer
SNS examples:
(env) (base) $ sls invoke local -f subscribe --path src/json/sns-subscribe.json
(env) (base) $ sls invoke local -f publish --path src/json/sns-publish.json
(env) (base) $ sls invoke local -f unsubscribe --data 'eb06e413-ed5b-410e-bbce-b17b1da3f41c'
To leave the virtual Environment.
(env) $ deactivate