- 4
README links broken
#100 opened by Ramblurr - 1
X3DJSAIL in Clojure
#101 opened by coderextreme - 0
Unable to specify colors per vertex
#99 opened by p-himik - 4
Incomplete SVG path specfication
#97 opened by respatialized - 3
Transparent (de)serialization
#95 opened by rrrnld - 3
JOGL examples not working
#94 opened by mourginakis - 1
`*` sometimes returns nil for certain pt orderings of polygons
#91 opened by harold - 0
- 0
- 0
Bar plots can't be drawn with a negative y-axis
#87 opened by kxygk - 0
How have you enhanced your Stacked intervals?
#86 opened by kxygk - 4
- 0
How to create the smooth perfect mesh on 3d data points i.e. ply file using geom
#80 opened by larsmacro88 - 4
- 4
how to export step/igs/webgl from Obj?
#78 opened by selvakarna - 11
Octree gives various clojure.lang level errors
#75 opened by charlieb - 2
ml group wants you
#72 opened by zcaudate - 3
question about drawing 3d objects in worldwind
#69 opened by zcaudate - 3
SVG ellipse and polyline missing
#54 opened by Sohalt - 3
Getting error on latest clojurescript
#66 opened by vushu - 12
CLJS serialization story for SVG
#26 opened by den1k - 1
MeshFace misses IVertexAccess method
#57 opened by skrat - 1
Force Directed Graph layout
#64 opened by den1k - 6
- 4
- 2
- 0
add IGES export option
#44 opened by postspectacular - 0
- 1 xforms in to vector.clj bot vector.cljs when building development branch
#65 opened by gazliddon - 0
`filter-attribs` excludes using attribute names with names shorter than three characters
#56 opened by luxbock - 1
How to load textures from file?
#55 opened by Linchy - 0
Area plot with min and max values
#53 opened by rqcy - 1
- 1
update overview diagram
#37 opened by postspectacular - 4
- 2
- 1
- 3
workshop bug: basic
#40 opened by verybigelephants - 0
- 3
Material to getting start
#29 opened by nkint - 5
Butterfly subdivision produces faces with nils
#35 opened by jackrusher - 6
mesh->csg stack overflow
#36 opened by jackrusher - 3
SVG rendered incorrectly in continental Europe
#34 opened by sander - 10
- 0
Isosurface bug under CLJS?
#31 opened by jackrusher - 3
`PArea` implementation for custom `gmesh` fails
#30 opened by cjlarose - 2
pluggable element-wise matrix operations
#24 opened by kovasb - 5
Does not compile in CLJS
#25 opened by den1k - 2
CSG - Maximum call stack size exceeded
#21 opened by timknip - 2
gmesh - compute-vertex-normals broken?
#20 opened by timknip