
Ansible role to perform backups in a sharded cluster with database dumps

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Ansible role to perform backups in a sharded cluster with database dumps

Ansible requirements

Ansible version

Minimum required ansible version is 2.6.

Ansible role dependencies


Basic Usage

Basic usage is:

- hosts: myclusterservers
    - role: ansible-mongodb-sharded-cluster-backup
        mongodb_backup_pass: backup_pass
        mongodb_backup_user: backup_user
        publish_to_s3: true
        aws_access_key: someaccesskey
        aws_secret_key: somesecretkey
        aws_region: someregion
        mongodb_backup_s3_bucket: mongodb-bucket
        mongodb_backup_s3_key_prefix: keyprefix

Mongodb user permissions

This role needs to use a mongodb user in backup and clusterMonitor built in roles. To configure that use this mongoshell command:

  user: "{{ mongodb_backup_user }}",
  pwd: "{{ mongodb_backup_pass }}",
  roles: [
      role: "backup",
      db: "admin"
      role: "clusterMonitor",
      db: "admin"

Role Variables

Variables are divided in three types.

The default vars section shows you which variables you may override in your ansible inventory. As a matter of fact, all variables should be defined there for explicitness, ease of documentation as well as overall role manageability.

The mandatory variables section contains variables that for several reasons do not fit into the default variables. As name implies, they must absolutely be defined in the inventory or else the role will fail. It is a good thing to avoid reach for these as much as possible and/or design the role with clear behavior when they're undefined.

The context variables are shown in section below hint you on how runtime context may affects role execution.

Default vars

Role default variables from defaults/main.yml.

mongoc_backup_dir: /srv/backup/mongoc
mongoc_port: 27019

mongod_backup_dir: /srv/backup/mongod
mongod_port: 27018

mongos_port: 27017

mongodb_backup_pass: backup_pass
mongodb_backup_user: backup_user

aws_access_key: someaccesskey
aws_secret_key: somesecretkey
aws_region: someregion
mongodb_backup_s3_bucket: mongodb-bucket
mongodb_backup_s3_key_prefix: keyprefix

Mandatory variables

- mongodb_backup_pass
- mongodb_backup_user
- aws_access_key
- aws_secret_key
- aws_region
- mongodb_backup_s3_bucket
- mongodb_backup_s3_key_prefix

Context variables

Those variables from vars/*.{yml,json} are loaded dynamically during task runtime using the include_vars module.

Variables loaded from vars/main.yml.

  mongo --quiet --username {{ mongodb_backup_user }} --password
  {{ mongodb_backup_pass }} {{ mongo_host }}:{{ mongo_port }}/admin

  get_user: '{{ mongodb_connection }} --eval "rs.slaveOk(); db.getUser(''{{ mongodb_backup_user }}'');"'
  check_mongos_balancer_status: "{{ mongodb_connection }} --eval 'sh.status()' | grep 'balancer:' -A 3"
  stop_mongos_balancer: "{{ mongodb_connection }} --eval 'sh.stopBalancer();'"
  start_mongos_balancer: "{{ mongodb_connection }} --eval 'sh.setBalancerState(true);'"
  check_replset_secondary: '{{ mongodb_connection }} --eval "db.isMaster()[''secondary'']"'
  lock_secondary_replset: "{{ mongodb_connection }} --eval 'db.fsyncLock();'"
  unlock_secondary_replset: "{{ mongodb_connection }} --eval 'db.fsyncUnlock();'"
  get_lock_status_secondary_replset: '{{ mongodb_connection }} --eval "{{ lookup(''file'', ''11-get-fsynclock-status.js'') }}"'



Author Information

Thiago Almeida "thiagoalmeidasa@gmail.com".