
Instructions to config Sublime Text 2 according to my preferences


Instructions to config Sublime Text 2 according to my preferences

  1. Install Package Control

    • Install Sidebar Enhancements
    • Install Bracket Highlighter (to emphasize tags)
    • Sublime Linter SublimeLinter-pep8
  2. Copy the theme files to the Packages/User/Themes folder. Custom themes will appear separatedly from the default ones

    • Currently there's a Cobalt and a Monokai variant which highlight XML tags

Copy files from instructions below to "Packages/User/" folder

  1. Use keymap to change ctrl+tab behavior: remove "_in_stack" from commands

  2. bh_core.sublime-settings makes Bracket Highlighter work (only works on themes which have a color set for tags)

    • Currently only configured for XML tags
  3. Copy the file "Default.sublime-theme" to "Packages/User" folder