
A simple project to implement a Action Text with Trix in Rails.

Primary LanguageRuby

Text Area with Trix

enter image description here


This project was created with:
Ruby Rails Bootstrap HTML5 SASS

Gems used:

enter image description here

How to run this project

Download or clone it. . Then run in the main folder the command rails server. You can always run rails db:reset, to restore database and run the migrations or seeds. If needed, run bundle install to check if all gems are correctly installed. Then open the project on localhost:3000/posts.

What user can do?

  • User can create a new post;
  • User can edit a post;
  • User can see a post;
  • User can use Action Text with trix to format text.

Developer routine

** May 28 **

  • Project created with rails;
  • Add scaffold;
  • Add model and controller post;
  • Run migrations;
  • Add CSS and Bootstrap to main pages.