
Repo created to exercise some pathfinding algorithms and see their behaviour in real time using Pygame interface

Primary LanguagePython

Pathfind Algorithms

This project was develop for practicing some interesting pathfinding algorithms in a matrix graph with one start and multiple ordered goals. The last version has the following implemented algorithms:

  1. A*(A start)
  2. Dijkstra's Algorithm


Demonstration of the program running GIF

How to run it

First clone this repository. Then inside the cloned folder follow the steps bellow:

Install the dependencies used

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Then run the program

    python3 pathfinder/main.py

What each button mean

  1. The pathfinding algorithms come in cian icons and are listed using indo-arabic numbers.(Only one can be chosen per run)

    1. A* Algorithm
    2. Dijkstra's Algorithm
  2. The brown icons with roman numbers represent the obstacles algorithms.

    1. (I) Manually click on the border to add or remove obstacles.
    2. (II) Randomly place obstacles around the border.
    3. (III) Randomly generate more terrain-like obstacles(Using perlin noise generator)
  3. The flag icon enables the start quare mode. To do set a square as first square after enabling this mode, just click on the desired square. To change to another square just click on other square on the board. When the flag icon is activated it's not possible to manually put obstacles. To do so just click again on the flag icon to disable it.

  4. The target icon enables the goal square mode. It's possible to add multiple goals. Their order will be the same as the one they're created.To create a goal just click on a square that's not a start square. To remove a goal just click on it again.

  5. The play icon start the game if the board has at least one start and one goal. While the algorithm is running it's not possible to change modes or to click other buttons. After each run the board will be clean.

  6. The restart icon returns the board the initial blank state.

  7. The power icon is used to close the application.

The icons used in this projected were not created by me. They're openly available on FlatIcon. The name of creators of each icon is listed on it's filename.