
Pokemon Team Builder

A simple app to train my full-stack development skills.

About the app

This app is a pokemon team builder, the title is already very explanatory 😝. The main objective is to select up to 6 pokemons to assemble an ideal team, exploring pokemons strengths and weaknesses based on their types. You will be able to save your teams and then consult Anytime you want.

The Pokemon Battle System

It's a system similar to the game "Rock, Paper and Scissors" but much more complex and intense. In "Rock, Paper and Scissors" there are only 3 types to memorize. In Pokemon there are 18 types and they can be related in 4 different intensities (Check the relationship between types of Pokemon here), So for coming out as a winner takes a lot of memory effort! That's why POKEMON TEAM BUILDER can help you.




  • Collection of 151 Pokémon (the first generation, the only one that matters 😛) thumbnails, IDs and Names - build a database using looped API calls to Pokémon API
  • Clickable and Selectable Pokémons - show more details when selected
  • Color system based on pokemon types
  • Filter Bar - to only show Pokémons that types you want
  • Register your name and email and log in to the app
  • Name and save as many teams as you like

Tech Stack


  • React: Library to make reusable components
  • CSS: Only CSS Vanilla to add some layouts and styles to the components
  • Axios: Handle HTTP requests, connect to the API
  • React-Router-Dom: Handle app navigation and protected routes
  • React-Hot-Toast: Notifications and feedbacks to the user
  • Vite: Initial boilerplate and builder to deployment


  • Node: Server side Javascript runtime
  • Typescript: Handle types
  • Express: Framework to easy handle https method calls
  • REST API: API architecture style
  • Prisma:ORM to easy handle database model, schemas, migrations and data seeding
  • Postgress: SQL database to store app informations


  • GIT: Track the state of the codebase
  • Github: Local to store the repository
  • Notion: Track the project roadmap and features
  • Insomnia: To test API calls
  • Heroku: To deploy app backend using CLI tools
  • Vercel: To deploy app frontend

Lessons Learned

General Learned

  • With the development of this application I was able to understand a lot how the "trial and error" learning method works. It's actually quite satisfying after hours of racking your brains to find an ideal solution to the problem.

  • I also learned to read a lot the documentation of languages and libraries to implement some features

  • And of course a lot of Google and Stackoverflow to fix some bugs

Tech Learned

  • How powerful the Prisma tool can be, because I could modify the database schema very easily, type the models easily and quickly.

  • Data Modeling using Typescript

  • Async Javascript to handle http requests

  • REST API consumption both in the backend to seed database, and to get data from other applications in the frontend

  • React Context API to share states between application components.

  • How to create registration and login methods using localstorage and retrive data from database.

  • Various uses of CSS GRID and FLEXBOX as powerful ways to create responsive layouts using few lines of code

  • Use the REACT-HOT-TOAST library to create amazing notifications

  • Use React-Router-Dom V6 to create protected routes

  • create React Custom Hooks to easy handle authentication

  • how to deploy an application right from the command line and how to access the machine directly in the cloud with HEROKU

  • how easy it is to deploy a frontend application using Vercel


I am aware that it is necessary to add code in the future to make it cleaner and more organized, for this I intend to implement some methods in the future:

  • Tests
  • CSS Architeture
  • MVC to the REST API
  • SOLID principles
  • Typescript with React

Next Features

The next upgrades to the app

  • Handle Delete Teams
  • Handle update of Pokemons in a team
  • Random Team Generation
  • Feed with all users Teams
  • Like/favorite button to the teams
  • Table with team analizys
  • More generations of pokemons
  • Password Authentication
  • More Pokemon Stats
  • Pokemon Pages
  • Pokemon Type Battle

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone https://github.com/thiagomagano/pokemon-team-builder-frontend

Go to the project directory

  cd pokemon-team-builder-frontend

Install dependencies

  npm install

Start the server

  npm run dev


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If you have any feedback, please contact me at thiagomagano1993@outlook.com