
This is an application that implements Partners management with creation, retrieve and search by location.

Primary LanguageC#

Partner Stores

This is an WebAPI application that implements

  • Creation of partners;
  • Retrieve a partner by Id
  • Search a partner by location (longitude / latitude)

Application design


This project delivers a great performance once it was built over aspnet core platform, that is a pretty fast one and also follow the best performance pratices, e.g. singleton DI, over string eviction and over enumeration eviction. In a extreme performance scenario, I could separate the partner search responsability of this platform and include into another one built over GoLang (like a nano-service). The aspnet core one should be responsible for manage the partners in a relational database with mutch more fields and the GoLang nano-service one should separatelly serve the search feature with independent scalling and its own non-relational database that should be filled by a repplication triggered by a CQRS pattern in the aspnet core app. This approach will be considered in another sprint :)


The objective of this implementation is to establish a pattern to turn the features able to grow up easily and consistently.
For this, the follow concepts was applied:

  • DDD (a little bit part of that whole universe)
  • Hexagonal Architecture

I tried to keep the domain objects integrity as well as possible. They have theirs own validations, value objects, business-based structures without any link with technologies. e.g. MultiPolygon was abstracted to doesn't keep any dirty from tech models. It was necessary to write parsers in the upper and lower layers because of that, which made the hexagonal architecture possible.


The app was wrapped in a docker container with mongodb dependency.
To depoy the app run de command below:

docker-compose up

and access http://localhost:12312/partners

To change any configurations you can access the docker-compose.yaml file on the repository root folder or access the application configuration file src/Application/TM.PartnerStores.WebAPI/appsettings.json (maybe you'll need to configure a different mongodb address or port)



In the folder src/Application/TM.PartnerStores.WebAPI/, run:

dotnet run

Or open the repository root folder with VSCode and press F5!

Access http://localhost:5000/partners

To change any configurations you can access the application configuration file src/Application/TM.PartnerStores.WebAPI/appsettings.json (you'll need to configure a different mongodb address or port)


This project includes OpenAPI docs available on http://localhost:12312/docs


POST /partners/{partner object} - create a partner
GET /partners - list partners
GET /partners/{id} - retrieve one partner by id
GET /partners/search?lng={lng}&lat={lat} - search one partner by geo position


Run tests with

dotnet test src/UnitTests/TM.PartnerStores.UnitTests/TM.PartnerStores.UnitTests.csproj


dotnet tool install --global coverlet.console --version 1.7.0
dotnet test src/UnitTests/TM.PartnerStores.UnitTests/TM.PartnerStores.UnitTests.csproj  /p:CollectCoverage=true

this 2nd command generates a table with code coverage table.
The tests was written for domain layer, that is the one that have most sensitive rules.

Module Line Branch Method
TM.PartnerStores.Domain 76,92% 97,5% 77,27%