This script is for study purposes only. It is not applicable to real-world scenarios and does not have any security reliability
Generates a base64 string with special characters based on a given string, with password generation purposes. Input a selected word relative to a service to which you want to generate a random password. You'll receive a base64 encoded string with special characters. The same input, the same output. Use 'single quotes' with words and phrases to avoid misinterpretation from the cli, unless inside files.
Example for a video service like
Input: python3 password64-generator -e 'YouTube'
Output: WW91V=HViZ_Q
Input: python3 password64-generator -d 'WW91V=HViZ_Q'
Output: YouTube
Input: python3 password64-generator --file-encode file.txt
Output: encoded-file.txt