
NestJs version of an interview challenge I did recently

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Nest challenge


Required Requirement:

Build a finances app that exposes endpoints to retrieve all finances (income, and expense), and all basic CRUD operations,

Optional Requirements:

All finances endpoints should only be accessible for authenticated users

Create a docker container for the entire application.


Change .example.env to .env and fill the variables

# If you are using docker you dont have to change the DATABASE_URL
# Salt round
# Random secure string

With Docker:

Build the docker container

yarn docker:dev

you can test the app on localhost:8000 now

Nest dont support pre-post script hooks (as far i know), so after you are done with yarn docker:dev, exit the process (ctrl + c) and run yarn container:stop


Need node 16, postgres and redis installed

Install dependencies

yarn or npm install

run prisma migration

yarn prisma migrate dev // yarn docker:migrate

Run the app

yarn start:dev

Swagger file

check localhost:8000/api

Test (WIP)

My test methodology uses unit tests in core business rules and mocking the database and other dependencies calls, integration tests on almost everything, and the same goes for end-to-end tests.

unit test: yarn test:watch

integration test: yarn test:int

end to end test: yarn test:end

Test Coverage

needs Docker

run yarn spec:cov

just missing the end-to-end tests to get the coverage of the funcs
