This repository holds all class material for the "Remote Sensing: physical basis and applications" graduate course, offered by the Graduate Program in Geography, UNESP-Rio Claro.
Lecture 1: Introduction to Remote Sensing / The Physical Basis of Remote Sensing
Lab 1: exploration and manipulation of digital remote images
Lecture 2: Spectroscopy of natural and artificial targets Lab 2: Spectroscopy demonstration and exploration of spectral imagery
Lecture 3: Image Pre-Processing: radiometric, geometric and atmospheric calibration
Lab 3: Pre-processing satellite images
Lecture 4: Image Processing: image transformations and manipulation
Lab 4: Band math, spectral indices, filtering, pan sharpening
Lecture 5: Image Classification: pixel-based and object-based classification methods
Lab 5: Image classification and validation
Lecture 6: Image Sources: where to get remote sensing imagery?
Lab 6: Image ordering and acquisition
Lecture 7: 21st Century Remote Sensing: scripting analysis using R and Python
Lab 7: Reproducing the analytical workflow using R and RSGISlib
Lecture 8: Project: self-directed work
Lecture 9: Project: self-directed work
Lecture 10: Project presentations and discussion