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Worst Movie

Worst Movie is an API that handles the latest movies chosen by the Golden Raspberry Awards.

Run the Application

First you will need to clone this project or download and save it in a directory of your choice.

Then, through a terminal window, access the project directory, and execute the following command:

mvnw spring-boot:run

After that, just have fun accessing the api through your browser on the default port 8080.

The API swagger and documentation can be found at URL: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html

Run Integration Tests

Through a terminal window, access the project directory, and execute the following command:

mvnw test

Import Custom Movie File

You can import custom movies, that's right! Just in your command line add the file directory.

Through a terminal window, access the project directory, and execute the following command (change "D:\movies" to your movies directory):

mvnw spring-boot:run\movies.csv

Important: always import csv files, separated by ";" (semicolon) and with the following columns:

  • year - only the year of the award, and only numbers
  • title - movie title
  • studios - movie studio, if there is more than one studio, separate them (in the same column) by "," (comma).
  • producers - producers of the film, if there is more than one producer, separate them (in the same column) by "," (comma).
  • winner - optional if the film is the winner

Do you have any questions, it's simple, just access the example file: movielist.csv