Cloud Spanner GKE Sample

Sample application displaying Cloud Spanner and GKE integration.

This application is a simple registry of singers, which uses Cloud Spanner as a database. A screenshot of the application can be seen below:

Singers Registry Screenshot

Running the application


You can run the application directly from your machine by following the instructions below.

Before you start

To run the application locally you should have nodejs and npm installed.

You should configure your Cloud Spanner instance id and database id in the code. These can be configured through the following environment variables respectively: CLOUD_SPANNER_INSTANCE and CLOUD_SPANNER_DATABASE. Alternatively you can hardcode the values by modifying the src/server.js file.

You should have set up authentication and authorization for your Cloud Spanner instance and database. You can follow the Cloud Spanner getting started guide for more information.

Starting the server

# Builds the application and install dependencies
npm install && npm run build

npm start

You should see the web server available at port 8080 by default.


You can also run the application using a Docker image.

Before you start

You will need to have your credentials exposed to the docker container, so that it can use Cloud Spanner. You can follow the Cloud Spanner getting started guide for more information.

Starting the server

Build the docker image.

docker build . -t sample-app

Run the docker image. Make sure to replace your GCP project id, Cloud Spanner instance and database name in the command below if you don't have the environment variables used set.

docker run \
    -v "$HOME/.config/gcloud:/gcp/config:ro" \
    --env GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/gcp/config/application_default_credentials.json \
    -p 8080:8080 \

You should see the web server available at port 8080 by default.