Software Engineer @google. (prev.) MSc student at Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, worked with Fairness in Machine Learning
@googleBelo Horizonte, Brazil
thiagovas's Following
- aebrahim@DelfinaCare
- aerostitch
- benadida@votingworks
- brendangreggIntel
- brunodemattos
- Caiogoia
- collaresTU Graz
- cristianoarbex
- danilogc4@google
- defrager
- dilsonguim
- flaviovdfUFMG
- gdahia
- gpoesiaBelo Horizonte, Brazil
- iccananeaGoogle
- JasperSnoek
- jfpugetNVIDIA
- jlsotomayorm
- joaopmt@google
- josecoliveiraUniversity of Minnesota Duluth
- marcelocraloading...
- mrtzhTübingen, Germany
- nunesghUFMG
- pin3da@google
- rafaelgo2Varginha, MG - Brazil
- rbklossBrazil
- Robertorosmaninho@Pi-Squared-Network
- Rodrigo61
- rogerlucena@google
- sidnei
- Tati1701
- tomaz1502UFMG
- vaz985
- viniciuscabessa
- VolatileDreamsee @ggambetti
- xlloraGoogle