
Quake Arena Logger Parser

Primary LanguageGoOtherNOASSERTION

qalogparser - A Quake Arena Logger parser


qaparser is a command-line tool for parsing Quake Arena log files. It's designed to extract and analyze gameplay data efficiently, offering both JSON and plain text output formats.


Getting Help

To get a list of available commands and global flags:

qaparser --help

A Quake Arena log parser

  qaparser [command]

Available Commands:
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  help        Help about any command
  parser      A parser for Quake Arena log files

  -h, --help     help for qaparser
  -t, --toggle   Help message for toggle

Use "qaparser [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Parsing Quake Arena Log Files

To parse log files:

qaparser parser --help

A parser for Quake Arena log files

  qaparser parser [flags]

  -h, --help           help for parser
  -i, --input string   Input file
  -k, --kind string    Kind of output (json, text) (default "json")

Use case

qaparser parser -i=/quake/log/quakeqa.log

The app going to print to stdout, so if you need to save the output to a file, just drop the content to output, just like that.

qaparser parser -i=/quake/log/quakeqa.log > myfile.json

or a text output (formated)

qaparser parser -i=/quake/log/quakeqa.log  -k=text > myfile.txt

Build the project

Just run the command make build

make build

The binary file going to folder build, you can move to a expoted path for better use.

or make help for more details

make help

Versioning and license

Our version numbers follow the semantic versioning specification. You can see the available versions by checking the tags on this repository. For more details about our license model, please take a look at the LICENSE file.

2024, thiagozs