
Simple poc of TOPT write in golang

Primary LanguageGoOtherNOASSERTION

go-TOPT-Test - Proof of Concept

"Welcome to the magical world of TOTP, or Time-Based One-Time Passwords! Picture this: you're a wizard, and your wand is your smartphone. Now, every wizard needs a spell to open secret doors, right? But you wouldn't want the same spell to work every time, because what if a goblin overhears you?

That's where TOTP comes in. It's like a spell that changes every 30 seconds! Only you, the wizard, can cast it because only you have your enchanted smartphone. It's a powerful charm that keeps your secrets safe from prying goblin eyes. So, next time you're asked for a password, just wave your smartphone, say your TOTP spell, and watch those secret doors swing open!"


func main() {
	randomSecret := gotp.RandomSecret(16)
	fmt.Println("Random secret:", randomSecret)

Versioning and license

Our version numbers follow the semantic versioning specification. You can see the available versions by checking the tags on this repository. For more details about our license model, please take a look at the LICENSE file.

2023, thiagozs.