This is a simple project to improve my skills as a software developer, the project simulates an e-commerce website.
You can find the backend configuration, how to install and the main tools used here.
You can find the frontend configuration, how to install and the main tools used here.
You can find same prints of the project running here
The mean features are:
- The main show the highlights products choosed by user admin
- Suggestions based on the products with more sales, biggests discount and the newests products
- Everybody can see the products ordered by same options
- Everybody can search the product by the name
- Everybody can filter a product by the department, category, brand, price or rating
- Everybody can see the product details as price, description, rating, technical informations, images and others
- Every body can add a product to a shopping cart
- The clients logged can add and remove a product to favorites, in case a not logged user want do this, the user will be redirect to auth page
- The user can signup as client with a username not used and a password
- The user can signin with the username and password registered
- The client logged can see all the orders maded
- The client can make an order, finishing the shopping cart
- The client can see all the favorites products
- Admin choose the highlights offers that can be a brand, a category, a department or a product
- Admin can add new product
- Admin can set products photos
- Admin can see all the orders