
Patroni training materials 2019 edition

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Patroni training 2019 edition

Patroni is a template for PostgreSQL HA. It lives at https://github.com/zalando/patroni.

This repository contains Patroni training materials.


install docker, docker-compose

(Optional) Build the docker image

  • git clone https://github.com/zalando/patroni
  • cd patroni
  • docker build -t patronitraining/patroni .

Note that this step is not required, as docker-compose will automatically fetch the image from the docker-hub. The image there is compressed to save bandwidth. You can achieve the same with your own image by passing --build-arg COMPRESS=1 together with your docker build command, although it will slightly reduce the image startup time.

Starting Patroni and etcd with docker-compose

  • curl -sO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/patroni-training/2019/master/docker-compose.yml (or download it using your preferred tool)
  • docker-compose up -d

Going further

  • docker ps to view the list of running containers.
  • docker logs -f [container_name] to view logs from the chosen container.
  • docker exec -ti [container_name] bash to exec into the chosen container.

Further details on how the output of those commands should look like are provided at patroni dockerfile README.