
creating drawers made easy!

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low bundle size with fantastic performance

Demo 💻🔥

click here to see the demo


npm install --save react-modern-drawer

or if you are using yarn :

yarn add react-modern-drawer


import React from 'react'

// import component 👇
import Drawer from 'react-modern-drawer'

//import styles 👇
import 'react-modern-drawer/dist/index.css'

const App = () => {
    const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = React.useState(false)
    const toggleDrawer = () => {
        setIsOpen((prevState) => !prevState)

    return (
            <button onClick={toggleDrawer}>Show</button>
                className='bla bla bla'
                <div>Hello World</div>

export default App


api type required default value desciption
direction string yes "right" "right" , "left" , "top","bottom" Selecting the direction that drawer opens
open boolean yes false true , false Select when to show drawer
onClose function no ( )=>{ } any executable function This function is called when clicking on backdrop layer usually used for closing the drawer
size number no 250 Any positive Integer Determines the size of drawer in pixels
style React.CSSProperties no null Normal stylings Can be used for inline styles
duration number no 300 Any positive Integer Determines the duration of opening the drawer
overlayOpacity number no 0.4 Number between 0 and 1 Determines the opacity of overlay
overlayColor string no "#000" Any color code Determines the color of overlay
enableOverlay boolean no true true , false Determines whether to show the overlay
zIndex number no 100 Any positive Integer Determines the zIndex of drawer
children React.ReactNode no null Any ReactNode This is the same as props.children
className string no undefined - normal regular classNames and stuff


If you like this package please consider giving it a star.


clone the project and run yarn install then run yarn start to run the main project.

then cd example and run yarn start to start the development example in order to test the component.

any PRs are welcome!


MIT © Farzin-Firoozi