
The tests consists to display a table of books with their authors.


  • Render a table with books and authors.
  • Add a button to add a book with an existing or new author.
  • Add a button to refresh the table that should contains all new added books and authors.


  • You can create an app with create-react-app. Typescript is prefered but not mandatory.
  • You will use Ant Design for the basics components like Buttons or Table.


An API provides the different collections and allows to add a book and an author. To install the API:


Return the list of books

  • GET /books
  • Output:
    id: number
    title: string
    authorId: number

Return the list of authors

  • GET /authors
  • Output:
    id: number
    firstName: string
    lastName: string

Create a book

  • POST /books
  • Input:
  title: string
  authorId: number
  • Output:
  id: number
  title: string
  authorId: number

Create an author

  • POST /authors
  • Input:
  firstName: string
  lastName: string
  • Output:
  authorId: number
  firstName: string
  lastName: string


Table of books and authors (example)

[Refresh]                    [Add a new book]

| Book (v)              | Author (v)        |
| React for dummies     | Dan Abramov       |
| Angular for dummies   | Miško Hevery      |
| Vue for dummies       | Evan You          |

                                  < 1 [2] 3 >

Form to add a new book

Add a new book

Name:             ______________
Author:           ____________ v   [New author]

Add a new author

First name:       ______________
Last name:        ______________
