StringToURI — Basic RDF dataset interlinking
StringToURI is a simple link generation framework which helps creating links between RDF datasets.
StringToURI looks for specified strings inside a data set and tries to find matches inside another data set. If two strings are equal, the string in the "target / goal / destination / update" data set is replaced by a link to the entity described by the string inside the "source / reference / origin" data set.
This process is delivered in three different fashions :
- Through a library by using its main components : DataSet, Linkage, Output.
- In a much more abstract way using the App class of the library.
- By using one of the ready-to-use tools inside the app package.
- The src and test folders contain source code respectively for source files and test files.
- The util package contains everything needed in order to link datasets together.
- The app package contains examples of apps ready to be used in a real world context.
- The doc folder contains the javadoc.
- import contains every external library used by StringToURI
- log contains examples of log files as logged by the application.
- rdf contains rdfxml examples.
- Initial release
- New package architecture
- Now using sesame 2.6.7
- SesameOutput is no longer supported
- RDFOutput is no longer supported
- Datasets can now specify a context to use.
- Linkages can now use contexts inside their queries.
- Output can now display the new tuples as lists of strings.
- Switched to sesame 2.6.9
- Other modifications I lost trace of
- Project now hosted on GitHub
- Code base is now cleaner
- Lots of useless pieces of code have been trimmed
- No changes to the core API (yet).
- Update to Sesame 2.6.10 (seamlessly)
- Sesame 2.6.10
- Commons httpclient 3.1
- Commons codec 1.4
- Commons logging 1.1.1
- slf4j api 1.6.4
- An slf4j implementation 1.6.4
- Log4j
- JUnit 4 for the unit tests
StringToURI was written during a school research project at the UM2 university in Montpellier. It was previously hosted on Assembla and has now been moved to GitHub.
© 2012-present Thibaud Colas