This project is part of my cursus at School 42

Push_swap - Sorting Algorithms in C 📊

The Push_swap project challenged me to implement a sorting algorithm using a set of predefined operations on two stacks. The goal was to sort data with the fewest possible actions, optimizing both for performance and efficiency.

📋 Project Overview

The task was to create a program named push_swap that sorts a list of integers provided as arguments using a limited set of operations. This project introduced me to sorting algorithms, data structures, and the concept of algorithmic complexity—key topics for any software developer.


  • Stack Operations: Manipulated data using a range of operations like sa (swap), ra (rotate), and pb (push).
  • Algorithmic Optimization: Focused on minimizing the number of moves to sort a stack in ascending order.
  • Error Handling: Managed input validation, ensuring all arguments are valid integers, without duplicates or exceeding integer limits.

🛠️ Operations Implemented

Stack Operations

  • sa – Swap the first two elements of stack a.
  • sb – Swap the first two elements of stack b.
  • ss – Perform sa and sb simultaneously.
  • pa – Push the top element of stack b onto stack a.
  • pb – Push the top element of stack a onto stack b.
  • ra – Rotate stack a (move the first element to the bottom).
  • rb – Rotate stack b.
  • rr – Perform ra and rb simultaneously.
  • rra – Reverse rotate stack a (move the last element to the top).
  • rrb – Reverse rotate stack b.
  • rrr – Perform rra and rrb simultaneously.

💡 What I Learned

  • Algorithm Optimization: Understood the importance of minimizing complexity and choosing the best algorithmic approach for each scenario.
  • Sorting Algorithms: Implemented and adapted sorting techniques to efficiently handle stacks.
  • C Programming: Improved my skills in memory management and error handling, ensuring no leaks and handling various edge cases.

🛠️ How to Use

  1. make
  2. ./push_swap <list of numbers> (without duplicate)

To use the visualiser like in the gif below :

💯 Results

Demo with 100inputs
