
The goal of this exercise is to try out the vue-cli tool and work with Single File Components. We will make you create and use a lot of components to help you get comfortable with them. Also, we will keep using vue-router and Bulma.

The instructions will be sparse. We want you to figure out which step to undertake.

The product

The final product should be an applicaton that allows you to search for an artist. The result of the search will be a collection of artists that match your input. Each result should provide a link to a specific page for the artist. On such a page you should be able to see the list of albums and, for each album, the list of tracks.

This is very reminiscent of the Spotify exercise of Module 2. We will actually be reimplementing a lot of those functionalities but this time with the Discogs API and Vue.js.

The setup

The project

Install the vue-cli tool globally if you haven't already:

$ npm install -g vue-cli

Then, generate a new project by typing:

$ vue init webpack .

Don't forget the dot at the end.

This will prompt you a series of questions. You should give the following answers:

? Generate project in current directory? - Yes
? Project name - lab-vue-discogs
? Project description Spotify - Vue exercise for Ironhack
? Author - (use the default answer)
? Vue build - Standalone
? Install vue-router? - Yes
? Use ESLint to lint your code? - No
? Setup unit tests with Karma + Mocha? - No
? Setup e2e tests with Nightwatch? - No

Now we need to install the dependencies with npm install.

To start a development server, just type npm run dev in the command line. The magic here is that, most of the time, you won't even have to reload the browser page when you make a change.


Discogs Token

Create a Discogs Account if you don't have one already. Then go to the developer panel and click on the Generate new token button. Copy-paste the string that appears in a file; you will need it later.

API wrapper

To call the API we will need axios. Let's install it.

npm install axios

We will then need to create an api.js file to wrap the API. The Discogs API requires you to set your user agent to something unique. We show you below how to do this; just remember to replace YourDiscorgsAccountName with your actual account name and YourToken with the token you generated just before.

// src/api.js
import axios from 'axios'

const discogs = axios.create({
  baseURL: "https://api.discogs.com",
  httpAgent: "Ironhack Paris YourDiscogsAccountName/1.0 +http://localhost",
  params: {
    token: "YourToken"

You now use the axios methods using the discogs object.


We are going to include Bulma to make styling easier. This time, instead of using a CDN, we will leverage Webpack.

First, we need to install bulma; let's do npm install bulma. Then, we want to import it. In the file src/main.js, please include towards the top of the file the following line:

// src/main.js
import Vue from 'vue'
import App from './App'
import router from './router'
import "bulma/css/bulma.css" // this is the line you need to add

Vue.config.productionTip = false

// rest of the file


The routes

We want you to have at least the following routes:

  • / should display a homepage with a search bar.
  • /artists/:id should display the page for a specific artist.

The components

We will require you to create a lot of components; at least the following:

  • HomePage: a component for the homepage.
  • ArtistPage: a component for the page specific to an artist.
  • NavBar: a navbar that should appear on every page. Just put a single link toward the homepage in it.
  • SearchBar: a search bar that will search for an artist and display the results as thumbnails.
  • ArtistThumbnail: a component to display a thumbnail with the picture of an artist and a link to the artist page.
  • AlbumCard: a component that displays the cover and the title of an album, as well as the list of tracks.
  • TrackPreview: a component with the title of a track and an audio tag to listen to the preview.