
The Otterlace genome annotation editor, and supporting code

Primary LanguagePerl


This repository contains Otter - client, server and supporting code. It has dependencies on several other codebases, please contact the team before attempting to install it.


Otter is an interactive, graphical client, which uses a local acedb database with ZMap and perl/Tk tools to curate genomic annotation. Annotation is stored in an extended Ensembl schema (the "otter" database), which presents the annotator with contiguous regions of a chromosome. The acedb database provides local persistent storage, so that if the software or desktop machine crashes, reboots or is exited, the editing session can be recovered. Since all communication goes through the Sanger web server, annotators can work wherever there is a network connection.


As a Git repository, this began life as a cvs2git import of the "ensembl-otter" module of the Ensembl project CVS server, see http://cvs.sanger.ac.uk/cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi/ensembl-otter/?root=ensembl