
This is an overkill React application skeleton with the following features :

  • TypeScript support
  • PWA (with full offline support)
  • Code splitting / Lazy loading (with react-lodable and webpack 4)
  • Server Side Rendering (with express and redux)
  • SEO (with react-helmet)
  • "Disabled JavaScript" support
  • Hot Module Reload (dev build)
  • Compression with brotli / Gzip

When HTTPs is enabled lighthouse shows 100 points for each section

It was inspired from the minimal https://github.com/thibautsabot/react-typescript-boilerplate

How to run

Client : NODE_ENV=production yarn build-client

Server : NODE_ENV=production yarn build-server

Start : yarn start

The differences between dev and prod build are : HMR support (dev), named hash (prod), splitted CSS file (prod)

You can run ANALYZE=true yarn build-client to open a bundle analyzer webpage