
Experimenting with Three.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Experimenting with Three.js


Clone the repo. No npm/yarn install required.


Just open index.html in a web browser.

Recommended for dev: install the Live Server extension of VSCode and click on "Go Live" in the status bar.



  • Before WebGL: only desktop could do 3D graphics.
  • Why WebGL?
    • Draw in 3D
    • Raw power, even in 2D


  • Three.js: WebGL library. WebGL uses <canvas>.
  • Without three.js: huge amount of code needed (ex: rotating cube, 200 loc VS 25 loc)

3 things to set up:

  1. Scene (description of the 3D world)
  2. Camera (ex: PerspectiveCamera, which uses a FOV, aspect ratio, near plane and far plane)
  3. Renderer (WebGL, CSS 2D, CSS 3D, SVG)

=> We render a scene with a camera.

  • Many building blocks: cube, cone, sphere, ...
  • Can import 3D models from tools such as Blender
  • Vertex: a point. Triangle = 3 vertices.
    • Position (x, y, z), but also rendering info (color, reflectance, ...)
  • Geometry: vertex data of some piece of geometry like a sphere, cube, ...
  • Material: color or texture (rock, wood, skin, ...). Can react or not to shadows.
  • Mesh: geometry + material. Complete object that can be added to the scene.
  • Shader: a script for scene post-processing such as filters and special effects (ex: blur, volumetric lighting, bump mapping, ...)

Online resources


Learn Three.js