
🎨 Convert CSS colors to any color space

Primary LanguageTypeScript

🎨 Convert CSS colors to any color space

Two new color notations are coming with the CSS Color Module Level 4 specification: lch() and lab(). They have a lot of advantages over the rgb or hsl colors we usually use, Lea Verou explains it very well. But, in order to be able to use them without breaking browser support, we need to be able to convert those notations to older notations, like rgb() or color().

This repository is for the most part code written by Chris Lilley direclty in the CSS Color specification. It was then ported to typescript, and exposed as a package.


$ yarn add @color-spaces/convert
# or
$ npm i --save @color-spaces/convert


import { ColorSpace, convertCSSColor } from "@color-spaces/convert";

const myColorLCH = "lch(60% 67 266)";
// P3 colors are already supported by Safari
const myColorP3 = convertCSSColor(myColorLCH, ColorSpace.P3);
// RGB is supported everywhere
const myColorRGB = convertCSSColor(myColorLCH, ColorSpace.sRGB);

const CSS = `
    :root {
        --myColor: ${myColorRGB};

    @supports (color: color(display-p3 1 1 1)) {
        :root {
            --myColor: ${myColorP3};

    @supports (color: lch(0 0 0)) {
        :root {
            --myColor: ${myColorLCH};


This enum contains all the supported color spaces:

  • AdobeRGB
  • HSL
  • Lab
  • LCH
  • P3
  • ProPhoto
  • Rec2020
  • sRGB
  • XYZ


function convertCSSColor(CSSColor: string, to: CSSSpace): string;
  • The CSSColor parameter is any CSS color, as a string.
  • The to parameter is any valid CSS color space – see the ColorSpace enum.


function convertColorToSpace(color: Color, to: ColorSpace): Color;
  • The color parameter is an object containing two keys:

    • type that represents its ColorSpace.
    • values that is an array of numbers – i.e. [r,g,b] for the sRGB color space.
  • The to parameter is any color space from ColorSpace.