MongoDB Integration in Neovim.
Browse MongoDB from Neovim! 🔎
- Browse MongoDB databases with Telescope
- Browse a Mongo database's collections with Telescope
- Browse a collection's documents with Telescope
- Edit a picked document from Neovim
- Nvim >= 0.5
- telescope.nvim
- lua-mongo
Note: instructions to install lua-mongo
With your plugin manager of choice:
Plug 'thibthib18/mongo-nvim'
use { 'thibthib18/mongo-nvim', rocks = {'lua-mongo'}, config=function()
require 'mongo-nvim'.setup({})
In Lua:
require 'mongo-nvim'.setup {
-- connection string to your mongodb
connection_string = "mongodb://",
-- key to use for previewing/picking documents
-- either a string or custom table of string or functions
list_document_key = "_id"
-- delete selected document in document_picker
delete_document_mapping = nil -- "<c-d>"
In Vim, simply enclose it in a lua block:
lua << EOF
require 'mongo-nvim'.setup {
-- connection string to your mongodb
connection_string = "mongodb://",
-- key to use for previewing/picking documents
-- either a string or custom table of string or functions
list_document_key = "_id"
-- delete selected document in document_picker
delete_document_mapping = nil -- "<c-d>"
Note: instructions to install lua-mongo
" List available databases
nnoremap <leader>dbl <cmd>lua require('mongo-nvim.telescope.pickers').database_picker()<cr>
" List collections in database (arg: database name)
nnoremap <leader>dbcl <cmd>lua require('mongo-nvim.telescope.pickers').collection_picker('examples')<cr>
" List documents in a database's collection (arg: database name, collection name)
nnoremap <leader>dbdl <cmd>lua require('mongo-nvim.telescope.pickers').document_picker('examples', 'movies')<cr>
The demo GIF above was made with the database from [MongoDB Getting started page] (
is used by the collection_picker
preview and document_picker
to filter documents based on this key. For this movies collection, setting list_document_key
to "title"
thus lets you select the movie documents by their title. If not set, _id
will be used as it is present for every document.
Two types of values are accepted for list_document_key
: string or table.
For a simple/homogeneous database or usage, where all documents will share a common field, setting list_document_key
to this field's name will do.
To handle a more heterogenous structure, it is preferrable to set list_document_key
as a table of the form:
list_document_key = {
database1 = {
collection1 = "someFieldName", -- string to be used as key
collection2 = function(document) -- function taking a document table, returns a string
return document.value1
database2 = {
If list_document_key[databaseName][collectionName]
is a string, the document will be represented by the value at this key.
If list_document_key[databaseName][collectionName]
is a function taking a document parameter, the document will be represented by the return value of this function.
In any other case, the _id
will be used.
Example: We have a persons
database, containing 2 collections: students
and employees
. For the students
, we'd like to see their field name
. For employees
, we'd like to use both their department
and role
. To achieve this, use the following list_document_key
list_document_key = {
persons = {
students = "name",
employees = function(document)
return document.department .. " " .. document.role
First, make sure you have luarocks
installed, or install via your package manager, e.g. for Ubuntu:
sudo apt install luarocks
Lua-mongo depends on Mongo C driver and LibBSON. The latter is part of Mongo C driver, so we only need to install the former.
From package manager (couldn't get this to work nicely on Ubuntu 18.04, fall back to install from source): official instructions
From source:
git clone
cd mongo-c-driver
python build/ > VERSION_CURRENT
mkdir cmake-build
cd cmake-build
sudo make install
Note: On Ubuntu 18.04, libzstd
and libssl
might be missing, install them with:
sudo apt install libzstd-dev libssl-dev
We're now ready to install lua-mongo:
sudo luarocks install lua-mongo
- Delete document
- Refresh document (if possible on update)