
fpdf on CodeIgniter

Primary LanguagePHP


fpdf on CodeIgniter

Introduction The fpdf library found on fpdf.org must be loaded as a library to be used while following proper CI syntax.

HowTo You must first load the fpdf class as a CI Library. This can be done in the autoload file application/config/autoload.php (preferred) or within individual controllers.


Now, you can use it natively within CI.

$filename =  somefile;
$content = 'My Content';
$basepath = getcwd;

$this->fpdf->Cell(40, 10, $content);
$this->fpdf->Output($basepath.'/pdf/'.$filename.'.pdf');   // print to the filesystem, save for future download
$this0>fpdf->Output($filename.'.pdf', 'D');                // send to browser and force download, not saved on filesystem

Note: You must load initialize the class with parameters each time you use it, i.e. call $this->fpdf->('P','mm','A4').