
🕸 The Danger Cove homepage. Built using Jekyll and Bulma.

Primary LanguageCSSCreative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-SA-4.0

Danger Cove

This is the home page at dangercove.com. It uses Jekyll with the Bulma CSS framework on top.

I try to keep this site straightforward and easy to maintain. Vanilla Jekyll and Bulma make this a breeze.


Here's how to get the project up and running.

Installing dependencies

The only requirements are listed in the Gemfile.

$ bundle install

Running the project

$ bundle exec rake serve


Deploying the site builds it with the JEKYLL_ENV environment variable set to production. It then gets the remote path from the REMOTE_PATH environment variable and uses rsync to copy the files over.

$ bundle exec rake deploy

Setting the REMOTE_PATH

You could add it the command each time you run it:

$ REMOTE_PATH=account@example.com:/some/path bundle exec jekyll deploy

A more convenient solution would be to create a .env file and store the path there:

$ echo 'REMOTE_PATH=account@example.com:/some/path' >> .env

After that, just run:

$ bundle exec jekyll deploy