
HUBXC 475 Crown Project

Primary LanguageJavaScript


HUBXC 475 Crown Project

This repo holds the code for Crown: a mobile app made for people with textured hair.

Crown provides an escape from the trial-and-error period that most people go through. Users can select filters that refine their search to products, routines, and hairstylists that best fit them. In addition, they can join groups to find a community and read reviews on hairstylists.

To install Crown, you will have to install Python (which includes pip/pip3) and node/nvm.

Since we are using VSCode, here is a guide to installing Python on VSCode for both Windows and MacOS: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/python/python-tutorial.

To install node and nvm, run 'npm install -g npm'.

  1. Change directories to the backend folder. To install the dependencies, run 'pip install requirements.txt' if you're Windows. If you're on Mac, run 'pip3 install -r requirements.txt'.

  2. Change directories to the frontend folder, and then run 'npm install'.

  3. We need a file to store backend secrets - information that the app needs but can't be shown on the github. Create a secrets.py file in the backend folder and make a variable called mongodb_uri that holds the connection string for the mongodb database. You can initialize your own database and get your own connection string by signing up for MongoDB Atlas: https://www.mongodb.com/cloud/atlas/register

Or, you can use the Crown official database (contact Thienan ttran010@bu.edu)

Here are some mockups of our app: https://readymag.com/anitaemokpae/4201898/3/

And here are links to items that document our development process:

Jira Board: https://buspark.atlassian.net/jira/software/projects/CROWN/boards/62

Portfolio(Designs for app): https://readymag.com/anitaemokpae/4201898/3/

Crown Mid-Fidelity Wireframes: https://www.figma.com/proto/X8UFYfEIgkpUzK1axY3P6I/Crown?node-id=1-2787&scaling=scale-down&page-id=0%3A1&starting-point-node-id=1%3A38

XC475 website: https://sites.google.com/view/spark-innovation-course/home-syllabus

Miro board: https://tinyurl.com/Fall23-spark-miro-team

Before start front-end code:

install react-native navigation library

    type following code in your terminal(must under folder "frontend")
        npm install @react-navigation/native @react-navigation/stack

To start the front-end page:

1. you need to install xcode on your machine

2. type this in promt or terminal "npm run ios" (this is for ios simulator)

3. you should see a simulator on your desktop, if not, check your background running programs