- 0
- 0
BLEPrinter.getDeviceList not response
#123 opened by cuongtq100 - 6
How we open a drawer after printing Receipt
#81 opened by komailabbas12 - 0
Cannot print
#121 opened by longphi97 - 0
- 2
#113 opened by MinatoFanboy - 0
- 0
- 5
can't print chars (çéâêîôûàèìòùëïü)
#73 opened by OussJouh - 1
Can't Connect to NetPrinter iOS
#116 opened by thecodecafe - 1
How to get a Printer Status like Connected, Page over, printed, Error(printer not working) or any related status for printer.
#112 opened by MaheshKaemSolutions - 0
Android 13 iMin USB printer permission error
#115 opened by snapxtp - 1
- 1
- 0
is it possible to print two images on one row?
#110 opened by LhuizF - 11
- 1
NullObject Reference
#90 opened by sejeeth11 - 5
can't install on IOS using expo 48
#107 opened by Savan-ITDEV - 1
Hi Everyone, I can't use function printImageBase64. Warn: not defind this function. I use it in IOS Device.
#108 opened by CalmNguyen - 0
NetPrinter not working well for iOS
#111 opened by ShinThantAein - 1
About the "printColumnsText" method
#109 opened by tanerparcali - 0
Add codepage to iOS
#105 opened by SergioAN007 - 2
Permission error on Android v12+
#98 opened by dieg092 - 1
- 2
- 2
- 0
There is a space between each letter.
#104 opened by AnneJackal - 5
White lines when trying to print images
#84 opened by LLSoberanoLL - 2
- 3
- 0
Android: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'double java.lang.Double.doubleValue()' on a null object reference
#102 opened by geoff8888 - 2
Could not determine the dependencies of task ':react-native-thermal-receipt-printer-image-qr:compileDebugAidl'.
#95 opened by Kajanan02 - 1
- 2
BLEPrinter.getDeviceList() not response
#69 opened by ngondat97 - 1
Cannot print after a long time
#92 opened by findxdn - 1
Cannot reconnect after physical disconnect
#97 opened by Florent75 - 0
Disconnect Print
#94 opened by tranvanthien123 - 3
Targeting S+ (version 10000 and above) requires that one of FLAG_IMMUTABLE or FLAG_MUTABLE be specified when creating a PendingIntent.
#70 opened by affan338 - 1
Request to add black background white text format
#86 opened by Rc85 - 2
printImageBase64 in iOS
#87 opened by chukiatt - 0
Crash when trying to print in serial printer
#88 opened by jankoJelic - 0
- 0
Multiple NET printers connected
#83 opened by pajkho - 0
Connecting to NET Printer always fails
#82 opened by pajkho - 0
Dependency issue
#79 opened by clivebaker - 0
Android - Avoid prompt when connect
#76 opened by Florent75 - 1
#72 opened by suma1892 - 0
[iOS] Is it my printer or is it this library?
#75 opened by Rc85 - 4
can't print image using printImage()
#71 opened by OussJouh - 2