

  1. Install Ganache-CLI: npm install -g ganache-cli@7.0.0-beta.0
  2. Install truffle: npm install -g truffle
  3. Install dependences: npm install
  4. Copy configs/config.example.json to configs/config.json and fill private keys
  5. Run private node: ./
  6. Compile contract: truffle compile
  7. Deploy contract:
  • Localhost: truffle migrate
  • Testnet: truffle migrate --network testnet

Verify contract

  1. Run npm run build-contracts to merge all contract sol files to a single file in out/ directory.
  2. Copy code in out/ContractiumToken.sol file.
  3. Paste code verify contract page.
  4. Choose solidity compiler version: v0.4.21+commit.dfe3193c.
  5. Enable optimizer.
  6. Submit.


  1. Run local Ethereum client: ganache-cli --a 4
  2. Run test: truffle test