
Not maintained any more - Vim plugin updating automatically the foldcolumn option based on the window width.

Primary LanguageVim ScriptThe UnlicenseUnlicense

                              Wibafoco plugin

Wibafoco stands for "window WIdth BAsed FOldCOlumn".

This Vim plugin performs automatic updates of the 'foldcolumn' option in every
Vim window, based on the window width. By default, it sets the 'foldcolumn'
option to 0 when the window width is lower than or equal to 80 characters.
Otherwise, it sets the 'foldcolumn' to 1.

If the window width is changed during editing, the 'foldcolumn' option update
is done, eventually with a delay. This delay is the 'updatetime' duration.

The parameters (foldcolumn values, window width threshold) can be changed. See
the "Tuning the parameters" section.

The author has written this plugin because he uses Vim with either the
classical 80 characters window width (and in this case, having the
'foldcolumn' set to a non zero value causes the text width to be shorter than
80 characters) or a 163 characters window width which allow the editing of two
files side by side with a foldcolumn value of 1 in each window
and an actual text width of 80 characters.

1. Installation
2. Disabling the plugin
3. Tuning the parameters
4. Mapping, menu, command
5. Credits and licensing

1. Installation

The Wibafoco plugin comes with the following directory tree:


If you use Pathogen (a popular Vim plugin to manage Vim plugins), you just
have to place the whole tree in your bundle directory (on a Linux system, it
is probably ~/.vim/bundle). If you have Git installed and an internet access,
just issue this command in a terminal after moving to your bundle directory:

git clone git://github.com/thierr26/wibafoco.git

Make sure that Pathogen is enabled in your vimrc file with the following

        call pathogen#infect()
        call pathogen#helptags()

The author hasn't tested the other popular Vim plugin managers, but it should
be possible to do the installation in a similar way when using those plugins.

If you don't use a plugin manager, you have to manually copy the files. On a
Linux system, the file in wibafoco/doc must be copied to ~/.vim/doc, and the
file in wibafoco/plugin must be copied to ~/.vim/plugin.

2. Disabling the plugin

You can completely disable the Wibafoco plugin without uninstalling it by
adding this line to your vimrc file:

        let g:loaded_wibafoco = 1

3. Tuning the parameters

You can force the parameters you like by adding a statement like the following
in your vimrc file:

        let g:wibafoco_strategy = {
                    \ 'win_width_threshold': 80,
                    \ 'narrow_win_fdc': 0,
                    \ 'wide_win_fdc': 2,
                    \ }

This statement will cause a behaviour similar to the default one except that
the 'foldcolumn' option will be set to 2 when the window width is greater than
80 characters.

4. Mapping, menu, command

The operation of the plugin is fully automatic, but some means of triggering
the update of the 'foldcolumn' option are provided.

4.1. Key mapping

The default key mapping is <Leader>fdc

You can change this mapping (say to <Leader>ZZ) by adding the following line
to your vimrc file:

        map <Leader>ZZ <Plug>WibafocoWindoSetFoldcolumn

4.2. Menu

A command is available in the Plugin | Wibafoco menu.

4.3. Command

You can trigger the update of the 'foldcolumn' option with the command :Fdc

5. Credits and licensing

Author: Thierry Rascle (thierr26@free.fr)

Licensed under the Unlicense license (see http://unlicense.org).