
Missing data analysis vignette

dollykc opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi Dr. Gosselin,
I'm trying tor work through the missing data analysis vignette using the sample data and I'm running into problems. First of all, the vcf file created by the line

writeBin(httr::content(httr::GET(""), "raw"), "stickleback_ferchaud_2015.vcf")

generated an empty file. Therefore, I went to Dryad and downloaded sticklebacks_Danish.vcf instead. I also downloaded strata.stickleback.tsv for the strata. I executed this line of code

ibm <- grur::missing_visualization(data = "sticklebacks_Danish.vcf", strata = "strata.stickleback.tsv")

Here is the output where the error message occurs:

Number of duplicate id: 0
radiator Genomic Data Structure (GDS) file: radiator_20230105@1248.gds
Error in dplyr::mutate():
! Problem while computing MISSING_PROP = round(...).
Caused by error in .DynamicClusterCall():
! One of the nodes produced an error: Can not open file 'C:\Test\missing_visualization_20230105@1248\radiator_20230105@1248.gds'. The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
Run rlang::last_error() to see where the error occurred.


  1. grur::missing_visualization(...)
  2. SeqArray::seqMissing(gdsfile = gds, per.variant = FALSE, parallel = parallel.core)
  3. SeqArray::seqParallel(...)
  4. SeqArray::seqParallel(...)
  5. SeqArray:::.DynamicClusterCall(...)
  6. base::stop("One of the nodes produced an error: ", as.character(dv))

Any help would be appreciated.

Hi again Dr. Gosselin,
After looking through previous errors reported and email exchanges, I see that I should've used the command
ibm <- grur::missing_visualization(data = "sticklebacks_Danish.vcf", strata = "strata.stickleback.tsv", parallel.core = 1L)

This seems to have resolved the error mentioned above BUT I've run into another error that I will detail in a separate post.