
Build virtual SFCs for Vue.js and webpack

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Are you a Vue.js fan?
Do you believe in separation of concerns AND files?
Do you use webpack?

You probably need this plugin… 😎

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vue-separate-webpack-plugin is a webpack resolver plugin that allows you to write Vue.js components into separate files while using vue-loader, HRM and without creating any physical or temporary .vue file.


npm i -D vue-separate-webpack-plugin


yarn add -D vue-separate-webpack-plugin

Getting started

// webpack.config.js

const { VueSeparatePlugin } = require('vue-separate-webpack-plugin')

module.exports = {
  resolve: {
    plugins: [new VueSeparatePlugin()]

With @vue/cli

// vue.config.js

const { VueSeparatePlugin } = require('./dev/plugin')

module.exports = {
  chainWebpack: config => {
    // prettier-ignore


Passed as regular Object.

Property Type Default Description
root string 'src' Root/src folder where your components are located

How it works

Simply create your separated files side by side:

  • Component.vue.html (pug|jade)
  • Component.vue.css (scss|sass|less|styl|stylus)
  • Component.vue.js (ts|coffee)

Then, import your component:

import Component from 'Component.vue'

That's it!

Component.vue.scoped.css (scss|sass|less|styl|stylus)

Works alongside with Component.vue.css

Component.vue.functional.html (pug|jade)



Inspired by vuemaker-webpack-plugin and vue-separate-files-webpack-loader Thanks to webpack-virtual-modules

How to contribute

If you want to report a bug or if you just want to request for a new feature/improvement, please follow those instructions before.

Thanks for taking time to contribute to vue-separate-webpack-plugin 👍